Ep 332: Grow Time | Recruit & Retain: Market Farmers

By any reasonable definition, it's not a farmers market without farmers. Uniquely positioned to foster relationships between consumers and the people that grow their food, farmers markets help farmers thrive financially and feel encouraged and supported by their communities. Let farmers know about the advantages of selling direct, make them feel valued and help them develop sales skills and they'll stay with your market for years to come.

Listen in as the Farmers Market Pros catch up with Corinna Smith of the Columbia Farmers Market in Missouri, where new farmers are blooming and some producers have been selling for over 30 years. Discover tips including:

  • How to find new farmers for your market

  • Ways to demonstrate the benefits of direct to consumer sales

  • Making farmers proud to partner with your market

  • Working with other farmers markets to create a local market culture

There's still time to register for the 9th annual InTents the National Farmers Market Conference in San Diego, California 2025. Link in bio or register at farmersmarketpros.com 


Ep 333: Food Intentions | Recruit & Retain: Market Vendors


Ep 331: Finding Your Keepers | Recruit & Retain: Your Market Team