InTents: The Farmers Market Conference 2021
The 5th annual event was held live, online March 15-18, 2021
2021 Conference Speakers
Alli Ball
Allinee "Shiny" Flanary
Ben Feldman
Brijet Myers
Cara Mae Wooledge
Catt Fields White
Chantel Johnson
Cheryl Whilby
Chris Quinlan
Darlene Wolnik
Ellen Rawley
Erica Raml
Ethel Recinos
Geoffrey Van
Hannah Fuller
Jenna Fahle
JM Fortier
Justine Marzoni-Mead
Kelly Sauve
Kelly Verel
Kurt Wheeler
Lydia Marucco
Maya Madsen
Melissa Maltais
Michael Kilpatrick
Molly Balint
Rachael Ward
Sagdrina Jalal
Sarah Marshall
Sophia Kruszewski
Tamara Cameron
2021 Conference Schedule
March 15th
Celebrate Silver Linings
9 am - 10:25 am PT (Noon - 1:25 ET)
Conference Welcome: Farmers Markets are Essential
Silver Linings: Where we’ve been, what we’ve learned
A look back on 2020 and towards 2021. Stories from farmers’ markets throughout the US and beyond on how we coped, where we’ve been, and the silver linings we found along the way.Speaker: Cara Mae Wooledge, Napa Farmers’ Market
Building Markets Online
10:30 am - 11:40 am PT (1:30 pm - 2:40 pm ET)
Preorders and Pickups: Pivot or Permanent
When markets were closed or delayed from opening in person, or reduced in size, new ways of operating were invaluable. Do farmers and shoppers now expect that to be a staple of market operations? How are those systems operated and funded? And how does that fit with the mission of fostering personal relationships between producers and shoppers?Speakers: Tamara Cameron, The Boise Farmers Market and Kelly Sauve, Ithica Farmers Market
Exhibitor Demo
Noon - 12:40 pm PT (3 pm - 3:40 pm ET)
Using Local Food Marketplace for online orders
Explore the technology used by market managers in the previous session to manage online orders at farmers' markets.Speaker: Amy McCann , CEO Local Food Marketplace
Maintain Community
1 pm - 1:50 pm PT (4 pm - 4:50 pm ET)
Keep Your Community Together, Apart
Discover ways to connect members of your market community even when they can’t spend as much time together as usual. Use a combination of tools to keep in touch between markets, communicate at the market, and create virtual activities to keep the market front of mind even when visits have to be shorter.Speaker: Sarah Marshall, Marshall’s Haute Sauce and the Meaningful Marketplace Podcast
Film Screening
2:30 pm - 3:30 PT (5:30 pm - 6:30 pm ET)
Screening: Local Thirty
Grab your snacks and join us for this 50-minute film featuring farmer and author Andrea Beemis about eating intentionally from a 200 mile radius of home and meeting the people who produce what you eat.
March 16th
Learning and Growing
9 am - 9:50 am PT (Noon - 12:50 pm ET)
Conference Welcome & Announcements
Chatting with JM Fortier, The Market Gardener
5 Ways to Boost Your Booth Sales
Being a producer is just the start. Farmers’ market success also means knowing how to maximize sales by making your display compelling, pricing your products correctly and educating your customers. Cultivate your customers and increase your profits.
Speaker: Michael Kilpatrick, Growing Farmers
Marketing Matters
10 am - 10:40 am PT (1:00 pm - 1:40 pm ET)
Be an Insta Success Story
Learn smart ways to make the best use of your time on Instagram. Make your profile sing, use the hashtags that will land with your ideal customer, play with new technology and know when losing followers is actually a good thing.Speaker: Molly Balint, Farmhouse Creative Marketing
Product Development
10:45 am - 11:35 am PT (1:45 pm - 2:35 pm ET)
Add Value to Your Value Added Products
Whether you’re a farmer or foodmaker, or a market manager nurturing new or established vendors, learn what it takes to create value added success stories. Determine the need for your product, know what it costs and how to price it, and be sure packaging and labeling is both legal and effective. BONUS: Update on extended deadline for VAPG grants.Speaker: Ellen Rawley, Ellen Rawley Creative & Strategy
Exhibitor Demo
Noon - 12:45 pm PT (3 pm - 3:45 pm ET)
MarketWurks: Farmers market management system
The Farmers Market Coalition Sessions Presented by Nutrition Incentive Hub
Noon - 12:40 PT (3 pm - 3:40 ET)
What is the Nutrition Incentive Hub?
An introduction to the Nutrition Incentive Hub and what it means for farmers and market managers. Explore the role of the Nutrition Incentive Hub and how incentive programs support producers and markets as they build their businesses.Speakers: Ben Feldman, Farmers Market Coalition; Erica Raml, Fair Food Network and Lydia Marucco, SproutBC
12:45 pm - 1:15 pm PT (3:45 pm - 4:15 pm ET)
Building Capacity for Nutrition Incentive Programs
Dig deep into the capacity it takes to run a nutrition incentive program. Join us to outline the time and people power it takes to run a successful SNAP matching program in your community and discuss creative ideas for building the needed capacity with low resources.Speakers: Rachael Ward, Farmers Market Coalition; Jenna Fahle, The Ecology Center
1:20 pm - 1:55 pm PT (4:20 pm - 4:55 pm ET)
Telling Your Story During National Farmers Market Week
National Farmers Market Week is an annual celebration of markets nationwide every August. FMC Staff will walk through how market operators can use FMC resources and data collected to build excitement around that week and gain ongoing support for farmers’ markets, incentive programs and other initiatives.Speakers: Hannah Fuller, Farmers Market Coalition
March 17th
Finding New Farmers
9 am - 10:30 am PT (Noon - 1:30 pm ET)
Conference Welcome, Announcements
No Farms, No Farmers Markets
As established market farmers retire, it’s essential to find ways to transition property to younger farmers and train new farmers to succeed. Changing Hands is one program working to acquire farmland and grow new farmers.Speaker: Geoffrey Van, Rogue Farm Corps
Bringing New Faces of Farming to Market
Farmers come in all shapes, colors and orientations. Meet some of the newer faces of farming, gain insights on why they may have been hesitant to participate in traditional farmers’ markets, and discover what we can do to make them feel welcome and valued.Speakers: Chantel Johnson, Off Grid in Color
Expanding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
10:40 am - 11:35 PT (1:40 pm - 2:35 ET)
Anti-Racist Toolkit for Farmers’ Markets Update
With the support of Farmers Market Coalition, Black food systems experts are examining the ways that policies and systems have contributed to making farmers markets predominately White spaces. The Toolkit will provide practical tools and resources for market operators to examine and adjust their internal structures and policies to be more anti-racist. Meet some members of the working group and check in on their progress.Speakers: Sagdrina Jalal, Facilitator and Consultant; Allinee "Shiny" Flanary, Come Thru Market; Cheryl Whilby, Soul Fire Farm and Schenectady Greenmarket
Exhibitor Demos
10:45 am - 11:15 am PT (1:45 pm - 2:15 pm ET)
WhatsGood: Online product sales
The Farmers Market Coalition Sessions
12 Noon - 12:45 PT (3 pm - 3:45 ET)
Gearing Up for the 2023 Farm Bill
The current farm bill is set to expire in 2023 and it is time to begin planning what comes next. Get a quick recap of what the farm bill is, an update on the current policy landscape, review successes of the 2018 farm bill and engage in brainstorming ideas to achieve a successful 2023 farm bill.Speakers: Ben Feldman, Farmers Market Coalition; Ugo Ikoro, National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition
12:50 pm - 1:50 pm PT (3:50 - 4:50 pm ET)
Farmers Market Legal Toolkit
This powerful and detailed toolkit is designed to aid market managers in planning mitigation strategies and understanding their liability. New content includes a free speech checklist and using ADA rules for making reasonable accommodations for those unable to wear a mask. Join a walk through the toolkit and resources including how to use the toolkit to approach local legal assistance.Speakers: Darlene Wolnick, Farmers Market Coalition; Sophia Kruszewski, CAFS at Vermont Law School
March 18th
Joining the Conversation
9 am - 9:25 am PT (Noon - 12:25 pm ET)
Conference Welcome & Announcements
Increasing Farmers Market Visibility
How do we make farmers markets a part of every food system conversation?
Speaker: Catt Fields White, Farmers Market Pros
Stronger Together
9:30 am - 10:25 am PT (12:30 pm - 1:25 pm ET)
Building Market Networks for Greater Resilience
Market Cities projects in Pittsburgh, Seattle and Toronto during the pandemic reveal farmers’ market vulnerabilities. Strengthening local market networks can increase resiliency through coordination and collaboration. The Neighborhood Farmers Markets Alliance in Seattle illustrates the success of working together through crisis and beyond.Speakers: Kurt Wheeler and Kelly Verel, Project for Public Spaces
Balance the Budget
10:30 am - 11:35 am PT (1:30 pm - 2:35 pm ET)
Monetize Your Market - Finding New Income Streams
Last year markets suddenly found the number and types of vendors severely restricted just as staff required to monitor new protocols may have quadrupled. Most markets can’t host sponsors on site, but sponsorship income is more important than ever. Learn to connect sponsors with your audience in new ways and bring sponsors back under the tent. Then share your tips for balancing the budget.Speaker: Melissa Maltais, Fraser North Market Society and Melissa Marie Consulting
Exploring Options
Noon - 12:45 pm PT (3 pm - 3:45 pm ET)
Keeping Markets in the Mix
Foodmakers and farmers are smart to pursue a variety of sales avenues. When their wholesale, CSA or online business takes off, or they open a retail business, will they keep their farmers’ market in the mix? Maya Madsen’s vegan cookie business skyrocketed last year. Which outlets will she prioritize?Speaker: Maya Madsen, Maya’s Cookies
Rebuilding Better
12:50 pm - 1:40 pm PT (3:50 pm - 4:40 ET)
Defining Our Audience as Markets Rebuild
As farmers’ markets coped with COVID-19 protocols this last year, one surprising result at many markets was that fewer customers sometimes equaled higher sales. As we rebuild, should our goal once again be to bring as many people as possible to the farmers’ market? In retail, another approach is called “narrow and deep”. It’s worth exploring.Speaker: Alli Ball, Allison Ball Consulting
2021 Gus Schumacher Awards
1:45 pm - 2:00 pm PT (4:45 pm - 5:00 pm ET)
2021 Gus Schumacher Awards
Named in honor of former Farmers Market Coalition Board member Gus Schumacher, the awards recognize individuals who exemplify Gus’ tireless work to bring fresh, local food to Americans of all income levels and backgrounds. Honorees demonstrate Gus' people-first approach to building coalitions to support farmers market success in their own communities and on a wider stage
Closing Session
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm PT (5:00 pm - 5:30 pm ET)
Closing Party
Grab your favorite snack and beverage and join us for open conversation and a few tunes to wrap up this year’s conference.