Ep 331: Finding Your Keepers | Recruit & Retain: Your Market Team
The team that helps you sell vegetables or granola at your farmers market booth makes all the difference in your income. The staff that sets up and manages the market makes the job productive and satisfying or just a whole lot of work. Learning to recruit the right people will make your market business more successful and just more fun. Creating systems to keep the band together are just as important. Employees with more knowledge and experience are more comfortable on the job and that trickles down.
On this episode the Farmers Market Pros chat with Natalie Labejof Farm Habit about hiring and managing staff for multiple markets. Listen in as we discuss topics including:
Detailed job postings save everyone's time
Your team is a key part of the interview process
Vibes just might be as important as skills
Budgeting for training pays off big time
Register today for the 9th annual InTents, the National Farmers Market Conference, coming March 10-12, 2025 in San Diego. Nothing beats the power of market people coming together.