Episode 296: Vendor Story: Not Your Nonna's Sauce Co.

We love a good vendor story almost as much as we love Not Your Nonna's nut-free pesto, full of locally grown basil. Adrianna Zizzo operates her pasta sauce business in six farmers markets a week. Her fledgling business weathered pandemic protocols shortly after she launched. This summer her business is celebrating its five year anniversary. Devoted to using locally grown ingredients and no preservatives, Adrianna has built a devoted customer base and an extended market family. Listen in as we talk about:

  • Ways entrepreneurial parents set us up for success

  • Limiting staff turnover with realistic job descriptions

  • Educating shoppers about eating seasonally

  • Using customer requests to grow your product line

  • Her last word on the sauce versus gravy debate


Episode 297: Sagdrina Brown Jalal: Juneteenth is Just a Beginning


Episode 295: David Thayer: America's Farmers Market Celebration 2024