Episode 263: Sina Pleggenkuhle: Trading Places

Say it together, folks: OUR JOB IS WEIRD! Minnesota Farmers Market Association Director of Engagement and Inclusion Sina Pleggenkuhle chats with us about how widely varied experience qualifies us for all kinds of positions in the farmers market world and adjacent. She’s developed skills on skills on skills, soaking up all the knowledge this business and others have to offer. In her free time, she’s cooking up new, delightful ways to contribute to and learn from her community. Let Sina inspire you to take a page from her book and:

  • Shine a light on your skills

  • Combine "real jobs" and creative pursuits

  • Use market honed skills in related industries

Today’s episode of Tent Talk, the Farmers Market Podcast, is supported by American Farmland Trust. Keep farmers farming. 


Episode 264: Inspect for Success


Episode 262: The Beginning of the End