Episode 220: Lauren Wolfer on making changes to market day schedules before peak season in the desert

Change is hard, especially when dozens of small farmers and vendors are involved, but that doesn't mean it can't be done! On this week's episode we hear from Lauren Wolfer, Program Director for the Palm Springs Cultural Center about big changes at Certified Farmers’ Markets of the Coachella Valley. During the pandemic Lauren stepped in to replace the longtime farmers market manager and then this fall CFMCV implemented a big change in their weekly market schedule, shifting their Palm Desert farmers market from Wednesday to Sunday. After years of discussing this move, it was finally put into action right before their busy winter season. Listen along to our conversation with Lauren to hear how the schedule shift has impacted their organization, how farmers and vendors are adjusting, and what the shopper response has been.

This week's episode is made possible by support from Marketing For Markets.


Episode 221: Farmers Market Pro Catt Fields White on The Meaningful Marketplace


Episode 219: Setting your farmers market up for success in 2023