Episode 212: Co-organizing special events and collaborating with other market operators

If you're a farmers market operator, chances are you've been recruited to lend your expertise to some other large scale event. Our skills as farmers market professionals are extremely applicable to special occasions such as neighborhood block parties, artisan fairs, community fundraisers and annual holiday markets! In this week's episode of Tent Talk we share some helpful tips to successfully executing special non-farmers market events with other event organizers. Listen along as we discuss the importance of choosing your events wisely and tools to collaborating with other event planners. It's all about implementing direct communication, clearly establishing roles and delegating tasks!

This week's episode is made possible by support from MarketWurks.


Episode 213: Yvette Lippert on championing a long-term farmers market relocation project


Episode 211: Ragen Chastain & Nina Budabin McQuown on creating size-inclusive farmers markets